Solipsism: The Biggest Lie

“The greatest trick the Devil ever pulled was convincing the world he didn’t exist” -Charles Baudelaire

Chances are that even if you’re a mildly intellectual person living in the world at the time of this writing, you’ve likely never heard the word solipsism let alone know what it means. There’s even a chance that you may be a solipsist yourself.

The English noun solipsism comes from the Latin word solipsismus which is derived from the two words solus(alone) and ipse(self). This basically translates to “the state of being alone by one’s self.”

As a noun, the word can be defined as the quality of being self-centered, egocentric, or selfish. In a philosophical sense, it can be described as the view or theory that all that can be known is one’s own self and mind. Basically, this translates to the idea that there’s no such thing as truth and nothing can really ever be known.

If this is the way that you think unfortunately, there’s really not much that can be done to change your mind.

Oh, and also…you’re wrong.

The danger of this idealogy is of the most serious kind in that, a true solipsist cares nothing for any other being and sees themselves as separate from the collective whole physically, mentally, and spiritually.

This is exactly the kind of thinking that has led to our current precarious situation. These are greedy people going through life to acquire as much as they can for themselves and theirs with no regard for any other being or the actual truth(because they believe it doesn’t exist). This is the paradox itself.

This ideology in and of itself is actually an offensive act of violence upon all other beings as the solipsist goes through life ‘playing God’ without regard for the injury their actions and decisions cause to others.

If a solipsistic person can be led to understand the truth that there is indeed an actual truth, then it would be possible for that person to learn Natural Law and live in harmony with it which could help to advance our collective consciousness. If enough solipsists could do this, it just might create a compounding effect which would surely improve our current paradigm faster than we may think.

Of course, this is very much easier said than done.

It’s interesting to note that of the 9 sins of Satanism, solipsism ranks as the third before Self-Deceit and behind pretentiousness. With this fact firmly in mind, ask yourself why a religious order which looks to invert all that is good and right would place this ideology so high on their list of offenses for practicing Satanists to commit?

And keep in mind, while Satanists would happily project their sins on the non-satanic population, they warn very strongly against the committing of these sins for their members.

The cure for this very real disease lies firmly in the understanding of Natural Law and its’ principles.

The understanding of truth and Natural Law and their application in our individual lives is what we need more of and we need it sorely. It’s not about being perfect, it’s about making progress and as the ancient Chinese proverb says, “A journey of a thousand miles starts with the first steps”.

So, if you’re a solipsist and you’re still reading this, maybe there can be salvation for you after all. Start with learning the truth about the Laws of Nature. Then spread that shit like a motherfucker.

Thank you for reading.




